
So many times churches hire based on talent instead of character Scripture is clear, but these “so called churches” want to play church and don’t really care what the Bible has to say about anything. So they hire whoever they want. Well, guess what happens when you hire someone who lacks Godly character, you don’t get to complain about it later. This isn’t a marital status issue, it is a character issue and I am getting so sick of churches covering up their messes up (or trying to) because they hired the talent guy and not the character guy. There are far too many examples of churches being exposed trying to hide or deny allegations of abuse of wrong doings by ministers or staff. Usually after years of knowing about the abuse by the “church” which then tries to then down play the allegations against them.

The SBC unfortunately has gone off a cliff in recent years, almost all the “good” churches have left the SBC. There are so many problems it’s a total dumpster fire, this isn’t a left vs right wing take, this is a theological take. The IMB, NAMB, The seminaries, SBC Executive Committee, Still ongoing sex abuse scandal

So many churches hire ministers solely (or at least mainly) based on talent, instead of character. What does the Bible say about this? 1 Tim 3 and Titus says to appoint based not on talent but on character. Obviously, the individual needs to have some skill to perform the job at hand, but the most important thing to keep in mind is not their skills/talents but their overall character. Today, church members want to be entertained not to be taught God’s truth’s.

What do churches do? They hire talented musicians to entertain the people in the pews. They dim they lights, have smoke machines, use all sorts of colored spotlights to put on a “show” for the people, that looks more like a concert, than a church service. Then when the “preacher” starts talking the real fun starts. He may quote some random scripture (because this IS church, you know) then he will start talking about how to be happy while your kids are screaming at you, or how you can get more money. However, He will never, ever refer back to that scripture that he read at the beginning, that had nothing to do with what he has been talking about for the last thirty minutes.